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Adult Watch Program

The Adult Watch Program is a free program. Residents can request to receive a call at a designated time of day and sometimes more than once per day. The frequency of calls is determined by the resident requesting the phone calls. Some residents request to be called every day. Some request a call on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On average, 107 calls are made daily. In 2021, over 40,000 calls were made throughout the year as part of the program.

When making Adult Watch phone calls, Community Watch follows specific protocol. If the resident answers on the first call, staff has a conversation with the resident for a few minutes. If residents do not answer, multiple calls are made. Other protocols may include contacting Community Watch Dispatch and local law enforcement.

To register for Adult Watch, Villagers can view the registration form on If anyone has any questions or need additional information, contact the District Customer Service Center at 352-753-4508 or by email at