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Cardio Drumming is Popular, Much to the Instructor’s Surprise

Cindy Duncan has taught an innovative workout class that involves pounding sticks on drums to promote cardiovascular health over the course of several years. Hundreds of admirers have formed a line to watch the lesson before it even begins.

Instructor Cindy Duncan created cardio drumming as one of the most renowned exercise courses in The Villages.

She had no idea it would become that popular.

Duncan said it still shocks her that the class started in her garage and is now held five times a week at four different recreation centers.

“It was just me and a few friends,” she said. “After a while it just became too cramped in the space we were in, so I put in an application for a recreation center.” 

The lively atmosphere, as well as the tough workout, makes the class popular.

“It’s not like lifting weights where there’s a set limit,” Duncan said. “You can push yourself hard or take it easy. If I’m having an off day, I’ll go a little lighter or go harder if I have a lot of energy.” 

Duncan claims that cardio has aided her to sustain a healthy body weight and that it is a pleasant method to keep in shape.

While cardiac drumming is primarily a cardio workout, it also works in a variety of muscle regions.

Duncan enjoys the fact that her arms receive a good workout while her pulse rate remains elevated. She didn’t really expect the workout to be that demanding when she initially started.

“I also incorporate lunges and twists,” Duncan said. “That way I’m not over-working one body part over another.” 

Duncan gets a well-rounded exercise that she couldn’t receive in a gym because of the variety of body movements.

“It’s just the most fun way to work out,” she said. 

Duncan worked up a sweat with her passion for cardio drumming last summer.

Duncan coordinated driveway drumming sessions outside when the leisure centers were shut for several months.

Duncan, unfortunately, drummed at an unsustainable speed.

“It was a hit, and I was doing two or three a day,” she said. “But it got hard doing it that often, and we had to have them earlier in the day and later at night to combat summer heat.” 

She started her usual workouts a couple of times a week and found virtual workouts to be effective.

When she was informed she could return to the recreation centers to host her lessons instead, she stated she was relieved to get back to normal.

Attributed Source, The Villages Daily Sun