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Creedence Revived

On Feb. 23, Creedence Revived will be performing at the Savannah Regional Recreation Complex at 4 and 7 p.m.

Creedence Revived personifies the spirit and grit of Creedence Clearwater Revival. Presenting timeless favorites, Creedence Revived unites classic rock, country, blues and folk music fans together.

From the swampy blues of “Born on the Bayou” and “Green River” to the country influences of “Bad Moon Rising” and “Lookin’ Out My Backdoor” to rock anthems such as “Proud Mary” and “Who’ll Stop the Rain,” these classics are delivered with the authentic sound, look and feel of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Creedence Revived have played around the globe for crowds upwards of 30,000 and a track-record of selling out shows.

Tickets start at at $25 per person and can be purchased at