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Love INC Donation from Local Club

The Villages BMW Z Club has recently made the Charitable Giving Committee of The Villages BMW Z Club, and Diane Placek was made chair of the committee.

“We (the club) used to donate food to the Wildwood Food Pantry. Now, we’re trying to be more purposeful with our donations,” Placek stated.

Being an automotive club, they’re trying to make contributions to organizations that deal with transportation and/or car related aspects. Donna Wenzel, a member of the committee, suggested Love in the Name of Christ (Love INC) after having volunteered there for over five years.

“Since I was a volunteer, I knew that Love INC helped people with their cars,” Wenzel said.

On Aug. 31, they donated $500 to Love INC. Dana Parker, executive director of Love INC, accepted the check and promised the money would go to assist people with transportation issues.

Written by Gazette News Editor, Emily Baker